Thursday, February 3, 2011

Broken Ankle Week 4

Today I am 4 Weeks Post Op. 1/3rd of the way through the process.   (hopefully)My last appointment went well. Got a copy of my xrays which you guys can all obtain by calling the Radiology department at your clinic. I was told to only touch down weight bear till March 8th 2011   Then they will see and let me know if I can put weight on my leg. After reading every available link on homeopathy and swallowing so much arnica and symphytum, i have decided to take it easy and just stick to Calcium and a Multivitamin. Nothing eventful...just stiffness in my leg as I wake up. I am still doing the exercises and even attempted to take a shower standing up today, not there yet, but feel like I have more energy every day. Okay...this is not for the squeamish...yesterday i pulled out a dissoluble stitch from underneath my skin. It was the most disgusting feeling i have experienced yet from this injury. Nurse said not to worry about it as long as there is not much bleeding. I had no clue i had dissoluble stitches in my body on top of the regular ones or should i say underneath. Don't recommend going through the experience but nevertheless it's like everything else is in the past. Hope you are all hanging in there. Till next week.

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